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How you can donate and help OUR Church
Your prayer and financial support are very important to keep serving around Houston community.
We are 501 c3 Non-Profit Organization. If you need aditional quesions how you can support feel free to contact us.
Su oración y apoyo economico son muy importantes para seguir sirviendo en la comunidad de Houston.
Somos una organización sin fines de lucro 501 c3. Si tiene preguntas adicionales sobre cómo puede ayudar, no dude en contactarnos.
Other ways you can donate:
Give on Sunday in the service during tithes & offerings. Or in person during office hours.
By Mail
You can mail checks.
See the adress below.
Give online
We accept Zelle:
Name: Berean Baptist Church
Or Scan the QR Code to the right.

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